When asked, How can I change the course of a child that's heading on a self-destructive path, my response is, "Kids can't compass off the clouds." Our first instinct when a child rebels is to adjust what we are doing to lure them back or we metaphorically chase the child. We try heavy consequences or we make concessions, even enabling to bring them back to our way of thinking or behaving. This is due to how we personalize the rebellion rather than understanding it, rebellion is a time when we have the most influence based on how we respond to the rebellion. We can change our response to a healthier one, that will change the patterns and opens the door to communication.
Our response is critical, yet can be clear with help. If you need more info and help on this, Please contact me.
Our response is critical, yet can be clear with help. If you need more info and help on this, Please contact me.
Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach
TurningLeaf Wellness Center