Just as a ship in the roughest of seas being tossed and threatened to be lost with her crew, drops anchors to withstand the buffeting winds, we can find anchors and use them to keep us safe and on course. The best way to endure the stormy moments of our day is to learn to control our focus. This is a skill that is similar to the focus we learned in school, but it is different in application. The use of this skill at times defies logic and makes no sense. Because of the need for the tangible world, to explain and define success, or in failure we find ourselves clinging to the destructive thoughts. Like a cast away to an old piece of log to the destroyed ship. Yet the safety of the harbor is not far off if we can use the system of anchoring the most effective anchor in truth, and not just any truth, but our discerning truth. We can learn to anchor to the truth and use it to balance our fears and doubt. Our own truth is more powerful than the validation of the tangible and others.
Seminar Director, Life Coach
TurningLeaf Wellness Center