I am always intrigued when I ask people what does water taste like and the response is "nothing" or just "water". The response causes me to reflect on how we can take such an important thing and become ambivalent to its value and in some cases dislike it. And yet water is one of the most valuable elements on earth, and we give it such little thought or regard. So to its discernment of a natural and powerful energy given to us at birth. We have grown to a state of ambivalence with this gift as we have water. The true power of discernment is meant to guide us and enlighten us to truth. We have an over developed need to depend on what we see and what we touch as truth, often falling in line to majority rules attitude. We have grown a sweet tooth for the easy and often popular opinion of others and fear the uncomfortable to stand alone for truth. Like water, discernment is a vital and nourishing element, providing a much needed truth. We can become ambivalent toward it and lose it to the easy, or like water, seek it out and make it an important part of who we can become.
Seminar Director, Life Coach
TurningLeaf Wellness Center