June 28, 2010


Have you ever noticed that fear is sticky? The harder you try to let it go the more it clings. It can start very subtle and then explode into an out of control fire in our mind and heart. I have found that fear is like a fire, it needs fuel, air and heat. The beliefs we cling to are the spark, what follows are thoughts that act as fuel, soon a breeze of emotion fans the flame that gives life to the undisciplined imagination, which provides the heat. The sticky fear comes from the beliefs we cling to, What are your beliefs?

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 23, 2010


Recently I was asked about ADD in children and how to best deal with the issues associated with it. One of the most important things we can do is become aware of the energy we are carrying. Most children struggling with ADD are very sensitive to energy. Too often we shift into a fear based energy worrying about the child and those dealing with them, this becomes a platform for other fears and soon we feel lost and frustrated. Skills can replace the fear and knowledge can calm the heart, when these two needs are met the answers will follow.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 21, 2010


The worship of a higher power is essential in personal growth. The need to submit our will is a building block in finding acceptance and peace.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 16, 2010


The process of eliminating unwanted thoughts begins with the shifting of core beliefs. Core beliefs such as; I am not appreciated or I am not good at my job, etc. These core thoughts become attachment points that allow like thoughts to enter into our minds and unsettling peace.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 14, 2010


This past weekend we finished up a level 1 wakening seminar. I am always moved and impressed with how in a three day process strangers become family. The environment of safety and acceptance each participant brings allows others to be open and real. I truly enjoy seeing the relief in the eyes of those that were once troubled and lonely, even those who feel they have nothing to gain by the three days, walk away feeling the time was well spent and fruitful. I feel blessed and amazed at the privilege to be a part of something so powerful and healing.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 9, 2010


 Intimacy and sex are not the same. Sex is an expression. It is a way to communicate feelings and create bonds, to connect spirits to each other and bind lives. Sex is a creating force that allows two people to work with the divine in bringing forth the miracle of life, and in doing so become immortal. Intimacy is the body that sex is a part of, it is how we express feelings of safety, it allows others to see and be apart of us. This expression can be through conversation, eye contact, holding hands, sharing feelings, even through a sexual relation. The world we live in is confusing us with information directed at selling a better life, full of excitement and feelings of being wanted, all of which are misleading and diluting this important part of life. It is wisdom to teach our children the meaning of intimacy with all its many expressions as well as the purpose of sex, that they are not the same.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 7, 2010


This last week I spent a few days camping with a youth group. It was a great experience to have young men and women away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, no cell phones, Xbox, facebook, texting, just kids being kids. Each kid was given assignments and all were involved in making the camp work. I could see the youth that have been enabled, and those with entitlement issues become more expressive and involved. Eyes that once drifted away or down, became happy and clear, words started to flow and soon the group had a feel of unity. There is a real need to help our youth feel connected to others, not just through the electronic world, but face to face interaction, the need to place responsibility on the shoulders of this generation, to create a sense of ownership in the world, a belief that they have a place in it, and understand how to contribute. Our youth are the most important product we can invest in, the long term pay off is immeasurable and the need is obvious. It can be as simple as camping or playing with them, adding responsibility to the daily diet of an electronic world.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center

June 2, 2010


Spirituality is the centerpiece of humanity. As humans we have always had a relationship with spirituality, it is a stabilizing force. We have always had a desire to understand who we are, to find meaning in the ugliness, hope in the beauty, and fulfillment in our lives. Spirituality gives us the ability to transcend the mortal to a higher mortality, understanding that there can be more to this life than we are willing to see. From the cave drawings of ancient times to modern wikipedia references, google searches, the need is the same, a search for truth. All that can be provided by our spirituality.

Dean N Nixon
Seminar Director, Life Coach

TurningLeaf Wellness Center